Sunday, July 31, 2011


I'm not exactly sure why we love going to Disney so much, but it is by far one of our most favorite places to visit.  Maybe its the "Magic of Disney" they always talk about, or maybe its just because we always have such great memories when we return. 

The first day always seems to be the longest, so it was no surprise that 2 hours after we got there, we were trying to figure out how we were going to haul 3 sleeping kids out of the park.  (This is no easy task by the way, and we REALLY missed that 3rd adult then!) And it never failed that at least one time a day, Vance would fold his arms over his chest, stick his bottom lip out, and announce "I'm mad".  The only thing that differed was the reason (our favorite being that Brecken was "ruining his name").

We quickly learned that our boys have no rhythm when they dance.  They prefer karate moves, but it didn't seem to bother them as they "danced" next to Goofy, Chip, and Dale.  Ryder grew much more timid this year and is more fearful of rollercoasters.  One ride on Space Mountain was all it took for him to steer clear of roller coasters the rest of the trip.  Brecken, on the other hand, is completely fearless and went on every rollercoaster he could and the Tower of Terror.  He enjoyed the Tower of Terror so much that he started clapping when it was over!  And Vance was happy as long as he seen Snow White.

I tried to enjoy every little thing because I know our next trip won't be the same.  I won't get to hear Vance's little voice ask "Who is gonna carry me?" the minute we step outside.  Ryder and Brecken will probably be a little less excited about the shapes the towels get made into when we are out of the room.  And I really will miss having those little heads resting on my shoulder after a day full of excitement.....

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