Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ryder: 6 Years

Wow! 6 years old. I can't even remember my life without him, yet it is so hard to believe that he is already 6!  I don't know what I ever did in my life to have been blessed with such an amazing kid.  He is so passionate about anything he gets involved in - bear hunting - then deer hunting - then coyote hunting - and now fishing. 

Daily phone calls to Aunt Joy, fishing Fridays at Grandpa Payea's, hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa Collier at Alli and Brooke's basketball games, wearing a bear hat to my basketball practices, helping grandpa trap animals, and loving on his new baby brother - it has been a pretty busy year for him. 

And for as much as I have watched him change over the last year, I still see that same little face that I met for the first time in 2005. 

Avett: 6 Months

Have I mentioned lately how much these blue eyes melt my heart? Or the way that his smile just brightens my day?  I could take pictures of him all day because he is just the most perfect little thing.....

Breakfast on the Farm

When I was asked to volunteer my photography services for a Breakfast on the Farm event in West Branch, I didn't have to think twice about it.  A morning spent taking pictures of kids - sign me up!  And to make it even more of a good idea, I knew my kids would LOVE it. 

For anyone that was unable to get out to it this year, I highly recommend it.  It was a great morning.  Everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves, regardless of their age.  A fantastic event, fantastic morning, and great memories!

Gavin: 1 Year

So, I know this post should pretty much just be about Gavin.  After all, it is his 1st birthday - but I cannot help myself.  All I see when I take pictures of this family is how much his big sister adores him.  And I mean adores him! I love that I am able to see the love this brother and sister have for each other, even when my camera isn't pointed on them.  The small kiss on the top of his head she gave him to calm him (and it worked) - his small outstretched arms reaching for her - the way his eyes light up when she is near.... I could go on and on, but I couldn't even come close to explaining what is so evident to anybody that spends a minute with these two!  Simply adorable and a bond that will only strengthen with time.

Happy 1st birthday, Gavin.  You are surrounded by people that adore you, and that can only be because you are one special little man!