Saturday, September 3, 2011

Ryder's Fishing Trip there anything better?  Not if you are a 6 year old by the name of Ryder Jaxson.  This summer marked the beginning of his love for fishing - and, for anybody that knows Ryder, it goes without saying that once he is interested, that is all he can think about day and night - and fishing was no exception!

Every Friday this summer marked "Fishing Fridays" with Grandpa Payea.  He even got a couple trips in at the Fleszar house.  So when it came time to pick out a birthday present, it was pretty easy to decide - - we were going on a charter fishing trip.

He anxiously counted down the days - and on the morning of July 23rd, we set off for Manistee.  5 p.m. couldn't come fast enough for him.  But, as soon as the boat pulled away from the dock, his eyes grew heavy and he took a little nap.....and continued to nap until we finally got a fish on a line.  He stood by and helped his dad reel it in.  A nice 9.8 lb King Salmon - not too shabby for his first large fish!

He intently watched as his fish was cleaned and then politely asked if he could keep the head to show everyone (it was a nice trade off to getting it mounted).  And his first salmon's head is still sitting in our freezer today and continues to get shown off to any body that has any interest in hearing about his fishing trip!

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