Sunday, October 2, 2011

Breck's First Day of Young 4s

For anyone that knows Brecken, you know that he is the "tough" kid.  He is the one that just deals with things.  I've never worried about sending him to new and unfamiliar places because I know that this kid will be just fine.  He is never intimated, never afraid, and makes the most of any situation he is in.

Until Young 4's came along....  While he was very excited, he was also very nervous (a side of Breck that we rarely ever see).  When he first met his teachers at our house, he wouldn't talk at all (again, a side of Brecken we rarely see).  When I came home, he told me all about his teachers and couldn't wait to go - and assured me that he will "talk to his teacher at school.  Don't worry, mom." 

So, when the first day came, he grew more and more nervous.  I think he liked being the only one at grandma and grandpa's too!  We dropped Ryder off at school and set off to Sterling Elementary.  He asked every question he could ask - how was he going to get home, how were people going to know where he goes, how would he know when it was time to go home, and 10 minutes worth of other questions.

He reluctantly walked in and was very shy.  He promised me that he would talk to his teacher after I left.  I kissed him good-bye and let him do what he does best - thrive in new environments.  And sure enough, when he came home that night, he did exactly what I knew he would do - try out his little wings and fly.  (And he even managed to talk to his teacher - "Miss Potocki, I'm done with my lunch."  ~ and he couldn't have been more proud!) 

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